Methods of Determining the Per Cent Total Solids in Milk by Means of the Lactometer

The results of a collaborative study by several laboratories are presented on methods for determining total solids by the lactometer and the American Dairy Science Association modification of the Babcock Test. The per cent total solids was calculated on 78 samples by the Babcock formula (mean = 12.627%, standard error of estimate = [plus or minus] 0.206%) and the Sharp and Hart equation as modified by Herrington (mean = 12.690%, standard error of estimate = [plus or minus] 0.176%) and compared with the Mojonnier total solids (mean = 12.706%). The regression equation derived from 78 samples of milk was shown to substantiate the partial regression coefficients in the Sharp and Hart equation as modified by Herring-ton. The protein content of the milk was shown by the results of one laboratory to have some influence on the accuracy of the detn. of total solids by lactometry.