Revised method for quantitating dietary fibre components

A modification to existing methods of fibre separation and quantification has been proposed. The scheme involves lipid removal with diethyl ether; removal of water‐soluble components and quantification of water‐soluble fibre components; removal of water‐insoluble starch; protein removal; pectin analyses; water‐insoluble hemicellulose quantification; cellulose quantification; and lignin quantification. Simultaneous equations were used to compensate for hexose absorption at the same wavelength as pentoses. Recovery values for individual steps ranged from 90% using a low methoxy pectin to 98% using cornstarch, cellulose, agar or carrageenan. The scheme was used to analyse fibre components in seven wheat brans, maize bran, oat bran, soya bean hulls, potato and apple. Recoveries of fibre and other proximate analyses ranged from 95.9 to 104.7%. Remaining methodological problems are also discussed.