Lymphocytic-Choriomeningitis Virus in Hamster Tumor: Spread to Hamsters and Humans

A passage line of a spontaneous hamster fibrosarcoma is contaminated by the virus. of lymphocytic choriomeningitis. Tumors from animals receiving implants when newborn contain high titers of infectious lymphocytic-choriomeningitis virus and complement-fixing antigen, and hamsters receiving implants when weanlings develop high titers of complement-fixing antibody against lymphocytic-choriomeningitis virus. In contrast with the specific reactions of tumorous hamsters to the initiating virus in virus-induced tumors, the development of complement-fixing antibody to lymphocytic-choriomeningitis virus does not depend on the development of tumors. Infant hamsters bearing the tumor have a generalized subclinical infection and seem able to spread virus to other hamsters and to humans.