Epitaxial growth of NbN on an ultrathin MgO/semiconductor system

NbN epitaxial growth on an ultrathin MgO/semiconductor system was carried out by reactive sputtering. It was revealed that (100)‐oriented NbN epitaxy was achieved on a (100)‐oriented Si substrate by introducing a MgO buffer layer as thin as 5 Å at the interface. An interrupt‐sputtering technique was newly conducted to obtain the epitaxial films, which were intermittently deposited by rf sputtering. A metal‐insulator‐semiconductor tunneling Schottky diode with epitaxial NbN was prepared using this technique, and evaluated in its current‐voltage characteristics. Our study indicated that the NbN epitaxy mechansim can be explained by its growth on a (100) naturally oriented 5‐Å MgO layer.