Phenomenological Model of Diffraction and Resonant Scattering

Diffraction phenomena are shown to play an important role in KpKp elastic scattering, even in the region of 1 GeVc, where resonant effects are dominant. A brief review of existing data indicates that the differential cross sections consistently exhibit an exponential behavior at small momentum transfers from ∼16 down to 0.8 GeVc, and that the scattering amplitudes throughout this region are predominantly imaginary. The slope of the diffractionlike peak is shown to increase sharply at incident K momenta, corresponding to the formation of known, highly elastic resonances. A model is then formulated to apply to (π,K)-nucleon two-body processes, in which the scattering amplitudes for each isospin state are described by a linear superposition of diffractive and resonant contributions. On a purely empirical basis, the diffractive amplitudes have been parametrized in terms of an exponential t dependence. The model has been specialized to interpret KpKp elastic-scattering data from 0.8 to 1.2 GeVc, where two dominant resonant states are known, the Y1*(1760) and Y0*(1820). A good fit to the data yields a reliable set of six resonant parameters (masses, widths, and elasticities) for these states, and three parameters describing the diffractive contribution (real and imaginary part of the forward-scattering amplitude, and slope of the diffraction peak).