Clinical oxygen transfer performance of the Sorin Monolyth membrane oxygenator

Oxygen transfer performance of the Sorin Monolyth membrane oxygenator was evaluated. Similar to previous oxygen transfer performance studies conducted at this institution, our purpose was sixfold: (1) to construct an oxygen transfer slope (OTS); (2) to find the maximum extrapolated oxygen transfer; (3) to calculate the oxygenator performance index (OPI); (4) to generate a shunt fraction line; (5) to determine the percentage of predicted shunt (POPS); and (6) to compare the Monolyth's performance to several previously studied membrane oxygenators. From the OTS, the maximum extrapolated oxygen transfer was 346.4 ml O2/min. This absolute value was the lowest of the four oxygenators compared. When maximum oxygen transfer was compared relative to membrane surface area, the Monolyth ranked third (157.5 ml O2/Min). The Monolyth produced a relatively narrow range for the OPI (81.64-130.47%) and had the lowest standard deviation (SD) in this group. The Monolyth exhibited higher shunt fractions over the range of clinical blood flows when compared to our three previously studied oxygenators. The range of POPS values (71.65-128.77%) was relatively narrow and the SD was the lowest of the four. We concluded from our evaluation that the Monolyth had relatively low top end oxygen transfer capabilities, but provided very consistent and predictable oxygen transfer performance.