A total in 17 patients with hypertension undergoing renal vein or adrenal vein catheterization were investigated to ascretain the number of megakaryocytes in blood from the inferior vena cava, the femoral artery and a cubital vein. On an average 11.9, 3.8 and 4.5 megakaryocytes/ml were found, respectively. In blood from the inferior vena cava, 30% of the megakaryocytes had copious cytoplasm, while megakaryocytes in arterial and cubital venous blood had sparse or no visible cytoplasm. Of the megakaryotyctes, 2/3 were retained in the pulmonary circulation and at least 70% of the platelets could derive from megakaryocytes in central venous blood or the pulmonary circulation. Megakaryocytes pass through a life cycle in which differentiation takes place in the bone marrow, platelet release occurs mainly in central venous blood and in the pulmonary circulation and the destruction of the megakaryocyte nucleus takes place outside the bone marrow, especially in the pulmonary circulation.