Electromyography and fatigue during prolonged, low-level static contractions

Summary Findings from five separate studies of EMG changes and muscle fatigue during prolonged low-level static contractions are summarized, and the possible mechanisms behind the changes are briefly discussed. Sustained static contractions (10%, 7% and 5% MVC) of up to 1 h duration were performed by finger flexors, elbow flexors and extensors, and knee extensors. In one experiment, intermittent static arm pulling (triceps) (10 s contraction and 5 s rest, average work load 14% and 10% MVC) was performed for 7 h. The endurance time for thesustained contractions was around one hour for 10% MVC, and it was shown — all in all — that the concept of “indefinite” endurance times at contractions below 15–20% MVC cannot be maintained. After 5% MVCsustained contractions for one hour a 12% reduction in MVC was seen, and significant increases in EMG amplitude and decreases in the mean spectral frequency of the EMG-power spectrum were found. Marked differences were also seen in the EMG changes in the elbow flexors and extensors, and transcutanous electrical stimulation of the knee extensors showed that low frequency fatigue was present after the contraction. Withintermittent contractions similar changes in the EMG parameters were seen after 2–3 h of contractions at 14% MVC. On average, during contractions of 10% MVC no EMG changes were detected. Increased extracellular potassium concentration in the contracting muscles is suggested as a possible explanation of these findings.