Since Fleming's1 observations on the antibacterial action of penicillium in 1929, toxic reactions produced by and accompanying the clinical use of this medicament have constituted an important part of the extensive literature on penicillin. The observations by my associates and me are incorporated in the various papers2 from Bushnell General Hospital; the papers by Lyons,2b Keyes2c and Morginson2i particularly discuss toxic reactions. The findings made at Bushnell General Hospital agree with those of other authors and will not be listed separately. In the short time at my disposal, it will be impossible to discuss in detail all the reactions that have been enumerated as following penicillin therapy. These are listed in the various tables. This paper will present salient observations concerning each group of symptoms. The adverse symptoms produced by penicillin may be grouped and will be discussed according to its role as (1) direct