Formation of the pits with taste buds at the lingual root in the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba

The tongue of the striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, shows a V‐shaped row of pits on its posterior dorsum. Their development is described on the basis of macroscopic and light microscopic observations on fetal, young, and adult stages. Four to eight pits occur, most often five in the adult. Anlagen of the pits first protrude as round epithelial thickenings which later increase in diameter and become thin. The circular primordia then sink, and grooves oriented both circularly and radially develop in the walls of the shallow pits thus formed. Pits and grooves deepen with development so that older pits become lined with conical projections. As pits grow further, they become elongated anterolaterally, retaining slit‐like openings. Each pit in the adult is 2–8 mm long and about 1 mm wide. The pits are not derived from lingual gland ducts but develop independently. Taste buds resembling those of other mammalian tongues can be found in young dolphins but are few in number and limited to the thin epithelium of the pit projections and to that of the side wall of the pits. They first appear in the late prenatal period but degenerate in the adult. A rich nerve supply is observable in the lamina propria below taste buds in the calf. The pits and their projections in the dolphin correspond to the vallate papillae of other mammals, but whether each projection or a whole pit corresponds to a single vallate papilla is undecided.