Differential elastic-scattering measurements ofXe+on Xe andAr+on Ar in the 20-340-eV range

Relative measurements of the differential cross section for elastic scattering of Xe+ on Xe and Ar+ on Ar are reported in the energy range 20-340 eV and the angular range 1-15 deg (lab). The data are presented in terms of the reduced cross section ρ(θ)θsinθ σ(θ) and the reduced angle τEθ. The ρvsτ plots for Xe+ on Xe show complex oscillations which we attribute primarily to phase interference in scattering from three coherent pairs of gerade-ungerade potential curves. The six states involved are the electronic fine-structure states of Xe2+, four of which dissociate to Xe+Xe+(P322), and the other two to Xe+Xe+(P122). At larger values of τ the elastic scattering pattern is further complicated by potential-curve crossings and excitation to higher states, while at smaller τ potential wells give rise to two rainbow peaks. We have resolved two oscillatory patterns in the data, from which we have determined two difference potentials for Xe2+, ΔVJM(R)|VJMg(R)VJMu(R)|:ΔV32,32=23e1.23R, 3.5R5.5; and ΔV12,12=2.0e0.788R, 5R6.5, in a.u. The Ar+ on Ar data are in excellent agreement with scattering calculations based upon ab initio computations of the Πu and Πg potentials of Ar2+.