Measurement of the ratio B(BD*0K)/B(BD*0π) and of the CP asymmetry of BDCP+*0K decays

We study the decays BD*0π and BD*0K, where the D*0 decays into D0π0, with the D0 reconstructed in the CP-even (CP+) eigenstates KK+ and ππ+ and in the (non-CP) channels Kπ+, Kπ+π+π, and Kπ+π0. Using a sample of about 123×106 BB¯ pairs, we measure the ratios of decay rates RnonCP*B(BDnonCP*0K)B(BDnonCP*0π)=0.0813±0.0040(stat)0.0031+0.0042(syst), and provide the first measurements of RCP+*B(BDCP+*0K)B(BDCP+*0π)=0.086±0.021(stat)±0.007(syst), and of the CP asymmetry ACP+*B(BDCP+*0K)B