Changes in the Zoobenthos Community of Acidified Bowland Lake after Whole-Lake Neutralization and Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) Reintroduction

The zoobenthos of Bowland Lake is described prior to, and for 2 yr after, neutralization of the lake from pH 4.9 to > 6.0 and reintroduction of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Observed changes in the total abundance, biomass, and size structure of shallow and profundal zoobenthos assemblages were attributable to changes in the fish community, not to improvements in water quality. A shift toward increased importance of oligochaetes, more representative of nonacidic conditions, occurred. However, many common, acid-sensitive taxa of zoobenthos which were absent prior to neutralization had not appeared within 2 yr after treatment, indicating insufficient time for recolonization.