Frequency of four different mutacin genes in Streptococcus mutans genotypes isolated from caries-free and caries-active individuals

The ability of Streptococcus mutans to produce mutacins, combined with the production of other virulence factors such as lactic acid, may contribute to the pathogenesis of this bacterium. In the present study, the detection of genes encoding mutacin types I/III, II and IV was performed by PCR with specific primers to each type in a total of 63 S. mutans genotypes isolated from caries-active and caries-free individuals. In the caries-free group, PCR screening for mutacin IV revealed that 31.8 % of strains were positive for this mutacin. PCR for the other three mutacins tested (I/III and II) did not yield amplicons in any S. mutans strains in this group. The PCR with primers of mutacin IV showed 68.3 % positive genotypes in the caries-active group, on the other hand, the amplicons of mutacins I/III revealed 41.5 % positive strains that carried these genes. The chi square test showed significant differences in the number of positive strains to mutacin IV when comparing the caries-free and caries-active genotypes of S. mutans (P = 0.01). All tested S. mutans strains were negative by PCR for mutacin II. The low frequencies of detection of some mutacin genes suggest the existence of high diversity and polymorphism in the production of genetic determinants of mutacin-like substances. In addition, the production of a wide spectrum of mutacins can play an important biological role in colonization by S. mutans strains, mainly in the niche of high-complexity microbial communities.