The influence of altered levels of thyroid activity on the response to administration of gonadotrophic or gonadal hormones has not been adequately clarified. The reports available to the authors on this subject have been summarized in Table 1. It can be seen that in most instances the response of rats to the injection of gonadotrophic or gonadal hormones was increased following thyroidectomy but was decreased following thyroid or thyroxine administration. There are several exceptions, however. Grumbrecht (1939) reported an increa’se rather than a decrease in ovarian response to a gonadotrophin following thyroid feeding. Insofar as the response to pregnant mare’s serum in the rat is concerned, Leonard and Hansen (1936) and Bischoff and Clarke (1941) noted that thyroidectomy had no effect while Smelser and Levin (1941) observed an increase in response. Fluhmann (1934), Leonard and Hansen (1936) and Leonard (1936) stated that gonadotrophins of pituitary and non-pituitary origin may not be affected similarly by the same thyroid alterations.