Search for closed-shell effects on theE2M1mixing of transitions inSn116

Directional-correlation measurements of several cascades in Sn116 have been made with a NaI-Ge(Li) detector system. Of particular interest in the 819-keV, 2+2+ transition which was classified earlier as 90% E2 and almost pure M1 by two different groups. The γγ(θ) measurements of the 2+(819-keV) → 2+ (1293-keV) → 0+ cascade yield A2 and A4 coefficients of 0.31(2) and 0.27(5), respectively. From these data a δ(E2M1) of 1.8(2) is obtained for the 819-keV transition, which corresponds to 76.4 ± 3.7% E2 radiation. The γ- ray intensities were measured more precisely.