Radioimmunoassay of Measles Virus Antigen and Antibody in SSPE Brain Tissue

A solid phase radioimmunoassay (RIA) procedure was used to detect measles virus antigen in brain tissue of experimentally infected hamsters and in a human SSPE brain. RIA was also used to detect measles virus antibody in eluates from the same SSPE [subacute sclerosing panencephalitis] brain. The antibody in the eluates was sharply measles-specific, showing no reactivity by RIA with HSV[herpes simplex virus]-infected [human fetal diploid lung] cells. Similarly, antibody eluted from a HSV-infected human brain reacted only with the infecting virus. KI eluted 2-10 times as much viral antibody from infected brain tissues as was dissociated by low pH. Radiolabeled antibodies to human Ig[immunoglobulin]A, IgG and IgM which were purified and concentrated by immunoadsorption with purified Ig were used in the RIA system to study the classes of Ig present in SSPE brain eluates; only measles antibody of the IgG class was demonstrable.