Substance P and human nasal mucociliary activity

Substance P (SP), a potent inflammatory agent, has been found in sensory nerve fibres in the nasal mucosa in several experimental animals as well as in man. It may participate in the inflammatory response as part of the mucosal defence against foreign materials. In experimental animals SP has been found to increase mucociliary in airway mucosa. The present study was performed in order to find out the relationship between topically applied SP and nasal mucociliary function in humans. Thirteen healthy volunteers were challenged with 65 µg SP or placebo in a randomized cross over fashion and mucociliary transport time was determined each time using the saccharine dye test. The dose of SP was chosen after an open dose-response study. No statistically significant change in the mucociliary transport time was found after challenge with SP as compared to placebo. The possible reasons for this are discussed.