Ratio ofπtoπ+Photoproduction from Deuterium at 8 and 16 GeV

We have studied the ratio R=[dσ(γdπpp)dt][dσ(γdπ+nn)dt]1 at 8 and 16 GeV for momentum transfers |t| from about 0.001 to 1.3 GeV2. R is close to unity for |t|<mπ2, but falls very rapidly with increasing |t|, passing through ½ near |t|=0.1 GeV2 and having a minium value of about 13 near |t|=0.4 GeV2; it slowly increases at larger momentum transfers. These results are similar to those obtained in other laboratories at 3.4 and 5 GeV. This implies considerable interference between the isoscalar and isovector photon amplitudes.