Stabilization of Thylakoid Membranes by Spermine during Stress-induced Senescence of Barley Leaf Discs

The effect of spermine on photochemical activity and polypeptide composition of chloroplasts from barley leaf discs during senescence in the dark was studied. Chloroplast membranes did not show photosystem II activity after spermine treatment when water was the electron donor, but in the presence of diphenylcarbazide, this activity was observed. The diphenylcarbazide-stimulated photoreduction of dichloroindophenol was 3-fold greater in leaf discs incubated for 72 h in spermine than in water. Photosystem I activity was reduced by about 90% within the first 24 h in the spermine-treated samples. This reduction, however, was not due to a decrease in the photosynthetic unit size. A preferential loss of polypeptides other than those associated with photosystem II was observed during senescence of the leaf discs in water, but this loss was reduced by spermine. Spermine treatment also prevented the appearance of several additional chlorophyll proteins found in the controls during senescence. The results were interpreted on the basis of the interaction of spermine with thylakoid membranes resulting in stabilization of membrane function during senescence.