Tissue oxygen tension measurements in the Shionogi model of prostate cancer using 19F MRS and MRI

Objectives: To investigate changes in tumour tissue oxygenation throughout the tumour growth–regression–relapse cycle in an androgen-dependent animal tumour model. Materials and methods: 19F T1 relaxometry of Perfluoro-15-Crown-5-Ether was used to measure in vivo partial oxygen pressure (pO2) of Shionogi tumours on a 2.35-T MR scanner. Perfluoro-15-Crown-5-Ether was administered as an emulsion injected intravenously or as a neat compound injected directly into the tumour. Non-localized, tumour 19F T1 measurements, made at multiple time points throughout the tumour cycle, were translated into pO2 levels. Results: No correlation between tumour size and pO2 values was found. Values of pO2 for growing tumours (50 ± 30 torr) were significantly lower than for regressing and relapsing tumours after 9 days post-castration (70 ± 10 torr, p2 values (90 ± 30 torr) were reached between fifth and eighth day post-castration, when tumour pO2 was significantly higher than both pre-castration (ppConclusion: We demonstrate that longitudinal pO2 measurements in vivo are feasible. Values of pO2 for growing androgen-dependent tumours were significantly lower than for regressing and relapsing androgen-independent tumours. These results have potential clinical importance in optimizing the timing of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy of hormone dependent tumours.