Ultrastructural and immunocytochemical characterization of terminals of postsynaptic ascending dorsal column fibers in the rat cuneate nucleus

The morphology, synaptic contacts, and neurotransmitter enrichment of postsynaptic dorsal column terminals in the cuneate nucleus of rats were investigated and compared with those of identified primary afferents. For this purpose, anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase–based tracers injected in the spinal cord was combined with postembedding immunogold labeling for glutamate and gamma‐aminobutyric acid (GABA). Anterogradely labeled postsynaptic dorsal column terminals were morphologically homogeneous: they were small (mean area = 1. 37 μM2) and dome‐shaped, contacted single dendritic shafts or cell bodies, and were not involved in axoaxonic synapses. The majority of them were not enriched in glutamate or GABA immunoreactivity compared with other tissue components. Their morphology, size, and neurotransmitter content thus differed from that of primary afferents. These differences are consistent with distinct functional roles for the two main afferent systems ascending to the cuneate nucleus.