Spectroscopy ofO18:C14(7Li,tγ)18O reaction; observation of selective enhancedE1 deexcitations of cluster states

The alpha-particle transfer reaction C14 (7Li,tγ)18O was used to study gamma deexcitation modes in O18 at a bombarding energy EL=15 MeV. In this measurement 4×106 triton-gamma coincidence events were collected. All natural parity states up to the alpha-particle threshold at 6.227 MeV were studied. These data together with our previously published study of states above threshold, using the α+14C radiative capture reaction, provide relatively complete spectroscopic information on states in O18 up to 8.3 MeV in excitation energy. Previously reported major gamma decay branching ratios were remeasured with higher accuracy and good agreement is found. Several new weak deexcitation modes are reported. Enhanced E1 decays, B(E1)≃102 Weisskopf unit, were observed among the Jπ=02+, 11, 12, 23+, and 33 states, representing some of the most enhanced E1’s found in even-even nuclei. A strong empirical correlation between enhanced E1 decays and cluster structure is established. These enhanced B(E1)’s suggest a selective deexcitation mode in which the states involved preferentially decay to cluster states. The cluster states are strongly populated in cluster transfer reactions and weakly populated in (t,p) reactions. Predictions of the vibron cluster model are compared with our data. The presence in our data of contaminant lines from C14 (7Li,α)17N allowed extraction of some information on N17.