Neural correlates of flight activation and escape behavior in houseflies recovering from pyrethroid poisoning

Recovery from pyrethroid poisoning was studied in groups of adult female houseflies treated with LD50 doses of trans‐permethrin or deltamethrin. The first overt sign of recovery was the appearance of normal posture, which was followed by jumping behavior and finally, coordinated flight when the flies had fully recovered. Prior to full recovery, treated houseflies were able to maintain normal posture and usually jump, but they could not fly. When tethered, these flightless houseflies responded to loss of tarsal contact by initiating normal patterned activity in the dorsolongitudinal flight muscles, yet the wings did not move. In flightless flies displaying jumping behavior, electrical stimulation of the brain evoked responses in the pleurosternal muscle, which controls thoracic tension during flight. Thus, many of the motor systems responsible for flight behavior seemed to be functional in flightless flies. Carbofuran, a carbamate anticholinesterase known to initiate spontaneous flight behavior from within the central nervous system, failed to elicit this response in flightless flies. These results suggested that the flightless condition was due to a disruption in central nervous pathways, and not to peripheral neuromuscular block. The pattern of recovery of different behaviors analyzed in this study was found to be consistent with the Jacksonian Hierarchy Principle, and the utility of this principle in guiding the design of new behavior‐modifying compounds is discussed.