Variation in shoot number, shoot size, and yield of dry matter occurring in the regrowth from lucerne plants cut at different stages of maturity and at different intensities is reported. The main effects of the treatments arose through variation in shoot number and changes in the time at which each shoot commenced extension growth; a linear regression utilizing this information about the population of shoots accounted for nearly all the variation in yield. Less severe, or later, cutting resulted in greater yields of dry matter in a 4 week period of regrowth. Changes in shoot number and shoot size both contributed to the variation in the yield of regrowth. Shoot size was mainly determined by the time at which the shoot resumed extension growth, and once such growth was resumed the shoot growth rate was apparently independent of the cutting treatment applied. The results are discussed in relation to currently held concepts on the role of "reserves" and of residual leaf area in promoting the regrowth of pasture plants. The development of lucerne adapted to grazing management is also considered.