Precision Measurement of Charge Symmetry Breaking innpElastic Scattering at 347 MeV

Charge symmetry breaking in np elastic scattering at 347 MeV has been measured with high precision. From fits of the measured asymmetry curves over the angular range 53.4°θc.m.86.9°, the difference in the center-of-mass zero-crossing angles of the analyzing powers was determined to be 0.438°±0.054°(stat)±0.051°(syst). Using the experimentally determined slope of the analyzing power, dA/dθ=(1.35±0.05)×102deg1, this is equivalent to ΔA=[59±7(stat)±7(syst)±2(syst)]×104. Predictions of nucleon-nucleon interaction models based on meson exchange agree well with this result.