The Effect of Stilbestrol upon Lamb Performance in the Feedlot

The effects of subcutaneous stilbestrol pellet implants upon feedlot performance and carcass grade were studied infeeder lambs. The lambs received 15 mg. pellets at the start of the feeding period and approx. 50% of these received a 2d pellet 70 days after the beginning of the tests. Treated lambs made significantly greater gains than controls, although differences in the rate of gain of lambs receiving land 2 pellets were not significant Carcass grades and dressing percentage were slightly lower in treated than in control lambs. Higher death losses associated with urinary calculi symptoms in treated lambs resulted in detailed studies of uro-genital systems of both treated and control lambs. Measurements taken on the uro-genital systems revealed enlarged seminal vesicles, bladder, ampullae, urethra, prostate gland, and Cowper''s glands in treated lambs. The most noticeable difference was observed in the latter, in which in severe cases, a cul-de-sac filled with urine was developed. Urinary calculi symptoms were believed to be due to enlarged and infected accessory glands which also showed evidence of necrotic lesions.