The Effects of Diethylstilbestrol, Testosterone, and Progesterone on Growth and Fattening and Certain Carcass Characteristics of Western Lambs2

Two experiments involving 400 western lambs, 100 ewes and 100 wethers in each experiment, were conducted to determine the effects of stilbestrol, testosterone, and progesterone on growth and fattening and on certain carcass characteristics when each lamb was taken to the same final weight of 100 pounds. The following effects of stilbestrol treatment were indicated when all animals were fed to this same final weight. Testosterone tended to inhibit the action of stilbestrol on bone and connective tissue when administered simultaneously with stilbestrol. Neither testosterone nor progesterone tended to modify the other actions of stilbestrol. The slight effects of testosterone on growth and fattening and certain carcass characteristics were qualitatively of the same character as those of stilbestrol but were much less marked. Progesterone had no detectable effects on these characteristics. A comparison of the performance of wether and ewe lambs shows for the former: Copyright © . .