Secretory activity of goat mammary glands during pregnancy and the onset of lactation.

1. The volume of the udder and the composition of the secretion have been followed in five goats through pregnancy to the onset of lactation. 2. During the middle of pregnancy udder volume was minimal and there was little or no fluid in the teats. 3. Two stages of commencing secretory activity (lactogenesis) were defined. In the first, starting up to ten weeks pre-partum, udder volume increased and the fluid in the teats changed from an extracellular-fluid-like to a milk-like composition and acquired a high concentration of immunoglobulins. Four goats accumulated several litres of a pre-colostral fluid with a high [lactose] 6-7 weeks pre-partum. 4. Comparison of the rate of increase in udder volume with previous data for the rate of increase in empty udder volume in pregnant goats showed that the rate of secretion, even in the last few days of pregnancy, was only a few per cent of the rate immediately after parturition. 5. In the last 2-3 days of pregnancy there was a three to elevenfold increase in [citrate] in the secretion; this heralded the onset of copious secretion at about the time of parturition. 6. The changes in mammary gland activities are discussed in relation to changes in plasma hormone concentrations during pregnancy.