Porphobilinogen-synthase (?-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase) deficiency in bone marrow cells of two patients with porphobilinogen-synthase defect acute porphyria

Two male patients aged 23 and 25 years with intermittent acute, frequently repeated porphyria syndromes presented an almost total deficiency of porphobilinogen-synthase [(PBG-S); synonym:δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase] in peripheral eryhtorcytes. PBG-S was investigated in bone marrow cells obtained by sternal puncture. A minimal enzyme activity of <3% of controls was established. Specific activity and protoporphyrin concentration decreased considerably during the course of erythropoiesis. Both patients are homozygous gene carriers; their parents (father and mother) as well as most of their brothers and sisters are heterozygotes with a PBG-S deficiency of ∼50% of controls. All people with PBG-S deficiency are especially endangered by alcohol intake and lead exposure, because alcohol and lead toxically inhibit PBG-S.

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