5.8-GHz CMOS T/R switches with high and low substrate resistances in a 0.18-μm CMOS process

Two single-pole, double-throw transmit/receive switches were designed and fabricated with different substrate resistances using a 0.18-/spl mu/m p/sup $/substrate CMOS process. The switch with low substrate resistances exhibits 0.8-dB insertion loss and 17-dBm P/sub 1dB/ at 5.825 GHz, whereas the switch with high substrate resistances has 1-dB insertion loss and 18-dBm P/sub 1dB/. These results suggest that the optimal insertion loss can be achieved with low substrate resistances and 5.8-GHz T/R switches with excellent insertion loss and reasonable power handling capability can be implemented in a 0.18-/spl mu/m CMOS process.

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