Electronic vortex structure and quasiparticle scattering in the cuprate superconductorNd2xCexCuOy

In a superconductor with s-wave symmetry of the order parameter, in the superclean limit, the density of states N(ɛ) of the quasiparticles in the vortex core remains zero up to the minigap ɛ0 where N(ɛ) shows a sharp upturn. Another strong increase of N(ɛ) occurs near the superconducting energy gap Δ. These features of N(ɛ) have important consequences for the electric-field dependence of the flux-flow resistivity. A phenomenological discussion of the resulting effects is presented and related to the two intrinsic steps in the flux-flow resistance of the cuprate superconductor Nd2xCexCuOy observed recently.