Effect of Hormones on Renal Clearance of Radioiodine in the Rat

Renal clearance of radioiodine was assessed in intact, thyroidectomized, hypophysectomized, adrenalectomized, and adrenalectomized-hypophysectomized rats before and after treatment with a variety of hormone preparations. Under standard conditions of fluid and electrolyte intake, adrenalectomy reduced the clearance to one half and hypophysectomy or combined ablation of the pituitary and adrenal glands to 1/4 the normal value. Cortisone acetate fully restored clearance values to normal in the adrenalectomized rat, but only to 2/3 that of normal in the hypophysectomized-adrenalectomized preparation. Combination of cortisone acetate and extracts of whole pituitary or cortisone and growth hormone restored the clearance of the hypophysectomized-adrenalectomized rats to the levels of normal. Pituitary extract alone or growth hormone alone exerted only moderate restorative action. Intact rats showed a slight depression of radioiodine renal clearance following the acute or chronic administration of cortisone acetate, and showed no change after DCA. The depression of thyroidal uptake of I131 in the cortisone-treated normal rat cannot be ascribed to a concomitant increased renal clearance of radioiodide.