On the evaluation and optimization of protein X‐ray structures for pKa calculations

The calculation of the physical properties of a protein from its X‐ray structure is of importance in virtually every aspect of modern biology. Although computational algorithms have been developed for calculating everything from the dynamics of a protein to its binding specificity, only limited information is available on the ability of these methods to give accurate results when used with a particular X‐ray structure. We examine the ability of a pKa calculation algorithm to predict the proton‐donating residue in the catalytic mechanism of hen egg white lysozyme. We examine the correlation between the ability of the pKa calculation method to obtain the correct result and the overall characteristics of 41 X‐ray structures such as crystallization conditions, resolution, and the output of structure validation software. We furthermore examine the ability of energy minimizations (EM), molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, and structure‐perturbation methods to optimize the X‐ray structures such that these give correct results with the pKa calculation algorithm. We propose a set of criteria for identifying the proton donor in a catalytic mechanism, and demonstrate that the application of these criteria give highly accurate prediction results when using unmodified X‐ray structures. More specifically, we are able to successfully identify the proton donor in 85% of the X‐ray structures when excluding structures with crystal contacts near the active site. Neither the use of the overall characteristics of the X‐ray structures nor the optimization of the structure by EM, MD, or other methods improves the results of the pKa calculation algorithm. We discuss these results and their implications for the design of structure‐based energy calculation algorithms in general.