Transitory Expression of Thy-1 Antigen in Immature B Cell Lines

In cμ B220+ Thy-1 murine immature B cells transformed with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Abelson murine leukemia virus, a low level of Thy-1 antigen was transitorily expressed after the shift of the culture temperature from the permissive (35' C) to the non-permissive (39'C) temperature. On the other hand, B220 antigen was persistently expressed regardless of whether the cells were cultured at the permissive or non-permissive temperature. No other T-lineage-specific antigens, CD3, CD4, and CD8 were induced during the culture at the non-permissive temperature. Expression of Thy-1 antigen was confirmed by the detection of a low level of Thy-1-specific mRNA. These results clearly showed that immature B cells could express Thy-1 antigen during proliferation and/or differentiation. The results imply a role for Thy-1 antigen in B cell proliferation and/or differentiation.