Phase behavior of tristearin/trioctanoin mixtures

The thermal behavior of mixtures of two monoacid, saturated triglycerides, tristearin (TS) and trioctanoin (TOC), was investigated with the intent of determining the liquid‐solid and solid‐solid solubility relationships. A Differential Scanning Calorimeter (Perkin‐Elmer Model DSC‐1) was used for the thermal analysis. Two different high purity grades of each component triglyceride were used. No large deviations from the ideal liquidus curve were exhibited by either system studied, regardless of purity. Polymorphism was not exhibited in TS/TOC binary mixtures Polymorphic transitions were observed during the heating curve when the individual components were analyzed under the same conditions of analysis as the mixtures. In mixtures less than 73–86% TS, the TOC melted at a constant temperature that was 0.9 K lower than when TOC was melted alone. At higher TS concentrations, no TOC peak was seen in the thermograms. Solid solutions of TS and TOC were indicated at weight percent TS compositions greater than 73–86%. If a TS/TOC eutectic mixture existed, it would contain less than 3% (w/w) TS.