Tests of phenomenological collective models based on energy ratios and staggering systematics

The systematics of energy ratios of successive levels of collective bands in medium and heavy mass even-even nuclei are studied. A measure of their deviation from the vibrational and rotational limiting values is found to have different magnitude and angular momentum dependence in the vibrational, gamma -unstable and rotational regions. Applications to ground state, beta , gamma , octupole and intruder bands, as well as to superbands in cases of backbending are given. In the case of superdeformed bands in the A=130 and A=150 regions the ratios get closer to the rotational limiting values with increasing spin, favouring the assumption that the nucleus tends to behave as a rigid rotor at high spin, while in rotational bands of normal deformation they get further away from the rotational limiting values with increasing spin as a result of stretching.