Influence of middle ear immune response on the immunological state and function of the inner ear

According to clinical experience, a causative correlation between otitis media and sensorineural hearing loss is likely. During an otitis media, inflammatory mediators should be released and diffuse through the round window membrane to cause an immune response of the inner ear. Using 20 guinea pigs, an immunologically caused otitis media was induced. Auditory evoked potentials were registered by means of electrocochleography and electric response audiometry from day 0 to day 7. Each time, before and after starting the immune response serum, middle ear effusion and perilymph were sampled and the concentration of interleukin-2 (IL-2) analyzed. Decalcified temporal bones were examined immunohistochemically. In this study, IL-2 was found in the middle ear effusion and perilymph, and there was evidence of an immune response of the inner ear during an otitis media. Histological results were in close correlation with this event. Electrophysiological data showed conduction deafness and signs of sensorineural hearing loss with a maximum at day 3.