New restriction endonucleases fromAcetobacter acetiandBacillus aneurinolyticus

Two restriction endonucleases with new sequence specificities have been isolated from Acetobacter aceti IFO 3281 and Bacillus aneurinolyticus IAM 1077 and named AatII and BanII , respectively. Based on analysis of the sequences around the restriction sites, the recognition sequences and cleavage sites of these endonucleases were deduced as below: Aat II : (5′) --N--G -A-C-G-T pC-N--- (3′) (3′) ---N-Cp T-G-C-A- G-N--- (5′) Ban II : (5′) --N-G -Pu-G-C-Py pC-N-- (3′) (3′) --N-Cp Py-C-G-Pu- G-N-- (5′)