Objective. To report the outcome of 124 claims of chronic arthropathy associated with rubella vaccine submitted to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Methods. Medical records and testimony were reviewed separately by physicians and Special Masters to determine the clinical diagnosis and eligibility for compensation under the Program. Results. Among the 124 subjects with chronic arthropathy, the onset occurred between 1 week and 6 weeks after the rubella vaccination in 72, and 6 weeks after the vaccination in 52. Various conditions developed in the 2 onset groups (1–6 weeks postvaccination, 6 weeks postvaccination), including, respectively, unspecified arthritis (n = 29, n = 1), specified arthritis (n = 11, n = 19), arthralgia (n = 24, n = 7), fibromyalgia (n = 4, n = 11), and multiple symptoms with minimal arthralgia or myalgia (n = 4, n = 14). Concordance of medical recommendations by Program physicians and Special Masters' decisions in 56 completed claims was 91%, with awards mainly to patients with chronic unspecified arthritis and arthralgia. Conclusion. The Program and the US Court of Federal Claims have accepted a causal relationship between currently used rubella vaccine in the US and some chronic arthropathy with an onset between 1 week and 6 weeks after vaccine administration.