Neuronal degeneration in the brain of the brindled mouse

The brindled mouse (Mobr) is a neurological mutant mouse with clinical and biochemical features closely similar to Kinky hair syndrome (KHS) in humans. Neuronal degeneration in the cerebral cortex and thalamic nuclei was the constant neuropathological lesions in the CNS of the male hemizygotes of this mutant (Yajima and Suzuki, 1978). Ultrastructurally, many cortical neurons contained enlarged mitochondria with prominent tubular or vesicular cristae, which were similar to those described in the Purkinje cells in the human KHS (Ghatak et al., 1972) and in the rat brain with copper deficiency (Prohaska and Wells, 1975). Such mitochondria were observed not only in the degenerating neurons but even in the otherwise normal-appearing cortical neurons, suggesting that the mitochondrial damage possibly related to the deficient activities of the copper containing enzymes (cytochrome oxidase, etc.) preceded the neuronal degeneration. Many mitochondria in the severely degenerated neurons contained numerous electron dense spicules of possible calcium. Although rare, similar morphological alteration of neuronal mitochondria was also noted in the female heterozygotes, indicating the presence of possible subclinical defect in copper transport in the heterozygotes as well.