Comparative bone analysis via inflammation-mediated osteopenia (IMO) in the rat

Various methods exist for determination of trabecular or total bone mass in animal experiments. There is one group of simple techniques not requiring sophisticated equipment focusing on bone-calcium determination. By contrast, another group of newer methods requires complex equipment for procedures such as computerized analysis of bone X-rays or of nondecalcified bone sections. The methods of the first group require considerable time to perform, whereas those of the second group allow a great number of analyses in a short time. We have adapted the computerized techniques to the determination of rat-bone mass and then compared both types of methodology using the new animal model for pathological loss of bone mass: the syndrome of inflammation-mediated osteopenia (IMO) in rats [1, 2]. Reliable results were obtained with both approaches, but we recommend the use of one of the new techniques in cases where a large number of analyses is required.