Tomographic mapping of human cerebral metabolism

Positron computed tomography was used to investigate changes in the local cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (LCMRGlc) of the visual cortex. Progressive increases in LCMRGlc were found from eyes-closed control to stimulation with white light, alternating black white checkerboard pattern, and a complex visual scene of a park, with the associative visual cortex increasing at a faster rate than the primary visual cortex as the visual scene complexity increased. A graded decrease in LCMRGlc of the visual cortex was found with a stepwise deletion of spontaneous cell firing at the retinal, geniculate and cortical level due to lesions. Lefthight metabolic symmetry of the visual cortex during monocular stimulation confirms 50% crossing of the human visual system. Neonatal blindness showed no apparent degeneration of the visual cortex and was equivalent to eyes-closed controls. The interictal state of a patient with visual seizures demonstrated a hypometabolic visual cortex with a 2.5-fold increase in metabolism during an ictal visual hallucination.