Partition of the Average Energy Deposited in Germanium as a Function of Incident Neutron Energy

The average energy deposited in crystalline germanium per incident neutron has been calculated as a function of neutron energy. The calculations are for neutron energies below 4 MeV, where scattering events predominate and charged-particle production is minimal. A calculation at 14 MeV by Nichols is also included. As the incident neutron energy increases from 50 keV to 14 MeV, the average ionization energy deposited increases from ∼1×1012 to 1×108 (erg/g) per (neutron/cm2), and the energy available for displacements (nonionization) increases from 1×1010 to 3×109 (erg/g) per (neutron/cm2). The calculated neutron energy dependence of the energy available for displacements agrees with the energy dependence of carrier-removal experiments in germanium performed with monoenergetic neutrons. Comparisons of these calculations are made with analogous ones for silicon. The energy deposited into atomic processes per carrier removed for ∼40-Ω cm n-type germanium is 0.5×109 erg/carrier, and the corresponding number is about a factor of 2 larger in the case of n-type silicon.