Chemical and Sensory Properties of Thirteen Major Beef Muscles

Chemical and sensory properties of the following thirteen muscles from ten Angus steers were evaluated: semimembranosus, semitendinosus, adductor, biceps femoris, rectus femoris, gluteus medius, psoas major, longissimus ‐ loin portion (LD‐L), longissimus ‐ rib portion (LD‐R), triceps, infraspinatus, pectoral, and supraspinatus. Steaks (3.8 cm) were cooked to 70°C internally on open hearth grills for sensory evaluation. Muscles from the round and chuck, excluding the infraspinatus, were generally scored lower by the sensory panel than muscles from the loin and rib. The psoas major, LD‐L, LD‐R, and infraspinatus were more tender (P < 0.05) than seven other muscles; WBS values followed the same trend. Large ranges were observed among muscles for percent fat, sarcomere length, and total collagen.