Interaction of Escherichia coli RuvA and RuvB proteins with synthetic Holliday junctions.

The RuvA, RuvB, and RuvC proteins of Escherichia coli are required for the recombinational repair of ultraviolet light- or chemical-induced DNA damage. In vitro, RuvC protein interacts with Holliday junctions in DNA and promotes their resolution by endonucleolytic cleavage. In this paper, we investigate the interaction of RuvA and RuvB proteins with model Holliday junctions. Using band-shift assays, we show that RuvA binds synthetic Holliday structures to form specific protein-DNA complexes. Moreover, in the presence of ATP, the RuvA and RuvB proteins act in concert to promote dissociation of the synthetic Holliday structures. The dissociation reaction requires both RuvA and RuvB and a nucleotide cofactor (ATP or dATP) and is rapid (40% of DNA molecules dissociate within 1 min). The reaction does not occur when ATP is replaced by either ADP or the nonhydrolyzable analog of ATP, adenosine 5'-[gamma-thio]triphosphate. We suggest that the RuvA and RuvB proteins play a specific role in the branch migration of Holliday junctions during postreplication repair of DNA damage in E. coli.

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