Photoluminescence of Si/SiGe/Si quantum wells on separation by oxygen implantation substrate

A study of the photoluminescence properties of Si/SiGe/Si quantum wells grown on separation by oxygen implantation (SIMOX) substrate by gas source molecular beam epitaxy is presented. Intense photoluminescence and carrier confinement in the quantum well are demonstrated. It is found that buried SiO2 isolates the top silicon on insulator from the back Si of SIMOX, and alters the photoluminescence properties of SIMOX compared to those of bulk Si. The SOI layer is found to be free of any strain. A SiO2/Si/SiO2 optical cavity is proposed by depositing SiO2 on SIMOX. A substantial enhancement of the photoluminescence intensity of SiGe quantum well is found, which is attributed to the optical confinement of incident beam in the cavity.