Calculation of electron-loss-to-continuum cusps: An algebraic approach

An algebraic approach for evaluation of the bound-free transition form factor v|exp(iQ·r)|n,l,m between arbitrary hydrogenic initial states |n,l,m and continuum final states |v in the low-velocity limit vZn is developed. This form factor determines the initial-state dependence of the electron-loss-to-continuum (ELC) cusp in the Born approximation. The method extends the well-known algebraic O(4,2) approach for bound-bound transitions to lowlying continuum states by exploiting the continuity across the ionization limit. A correspondence between scattering states and Rydberg bound states is established using the fact that the Runge-Lenz vector A and the velocity vector v become collinear near the ionization threshold. The present method takes explicitly into account the dynamical symmetry of the Coulomb field. We use the result for a systematic investigation of the doubly differential cross section and the shape of ELC cusps as a function of the initial state, its binding energy, the target, and the projectile velocity (vP) within the Born approximation. Comparison is made with recent experimental data from our laboratory for highly charged projectiles. We find qualitative—and sometimes quantitative—agreement with the data.