Cryopreservation of Leucocytozoon caulleryi Sporozoites

Leucocytozoon caulleryi sporozoites that had been stored at ‐ 196° C or ‐80° C for 6 or 12 months in Eagle's minimum essential medium or Medium 199 supplemented with 5% glycerol and 10% chicken serum showed infectivity to chickens. Glycerol at a concentration of 10% and dimethyl sulfoxide at 10% and 5% were found to be ineffective cryoprotective agents for the low temperature preservation of sporozoites. Sporozoites isolated from the intact females of Culicoides arakawae, which had been stored at ‐80° C for 6 or 12 months without cryoprotective agents, retained their infectivity. No differences were observed in the prepatent period, duration of parasitemia, and presence of serum‐soluble antigens between chickens infected with frozen sporozoites and those infected with fresh sporozoites.