Intravenous injection of M NaHCO3 (20 cc. per kgm. body weight) into dogs anesthetized with morphine and urethane was invariably followed within a few minutes by a rise in blood lactic acid, averaging 28 mgm. % or 130% over the preinjection level. The brain showed no increase, the kidney 25.7 mgm. % and muscle tissue 5.8-18.5 mgm. %. Blood lactic acid, normally 20 to 30_mgm. % lower than in the brain, rose after bicarbonate injection to a higher level than brain lactic acid in 3 expts. in which the brain was frozen 5 to 7 sec. after decapitation. The lactic acid concn. of the kidney remained below that of the blood. Analyses of the urine in several expts. indicated that the bicarbonate animals excreted more lactic acid than the uninjected animals.